Welcome to the IMPROVE NetworkWelcome to the website of the National Cardiac Surgery Quality IMPROVE Network (IMPROVE). The IMPROVE Network is an informal, voluntary collaboration of regional collaboratives. Despite thousands of publications on cardiac surgery, important gaps remain between current knowledge and current practice.
The IMPROVE Network members are: The Clinical Outcomes Assessment Program, Atlantic Cardiovascular Quality Initiative, Maryland Cardiac Surgery Quality Initiative, Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative, Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease Study Group, Providence Saint Joseph Health and the Texas Quality Initiative. The mission of IMPROVE is to improve the value of cardiovascular surgical care by developing, sharing best practice knowledge, coordinating, undertaking, evaluating and disseminating quality improvement projects across our member organizations. The IMPROVE Network members have agreed to come together to share information and expertise regarding opportunities to further evaluate and improve the quality, safety and cost of cardiac surgical care. Each collaborative currently collects data on patients having cardiac surgical procedures and disseminates quality assurance reports (regional reports) focused on processes of care and outcomes. On our website you will find information concerning our collaboratives, current areas of investigation, and other potentially helpful resources as you work towards improving your cardiac surgical practices. IMPROVE LEADERSHIP: Director Donald S. Likosky, Ph.D. Atlantic Cardiovascular Quality Initiative (ACVQI) Gregory M. Hirsch, M.D. Clinical Outcomes Assessment Program (COAP) Eric J. Lehr, M.D., Ph.D. Jeannie Collins-Brandon Maryland Cardiac Surgery Quality Initiative (MCSQI) Glenn Whitman, M.D. Terri Haber, M.P.H. Michigan Society of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative (MSTCVS-QC) Kaushik Mandal, MD, MPH Melissa Clark RN, MSN Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease Study Group (NNECDSG) Robert S. Kramer, M.D. Ansar Hassan, M.D., Ph.D. Cathy S. Ross, M.S. Providence Health and Services James K. Brevig, M.D. Jesse Ortega Counsel Gabrielle Hammoud Funding for the original IMPROVE Network conferences was made possible (in part) by Grant #1R13HS020562-01 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsements by the U.S. Government. Content copyright 2025. IMPROVE Network. All rights reserved. |